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Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome
In 2019, an estimated half-billion people worldwide had diabetes.
This number is projected to rise by 45% by 2045.
At Food Centered Solutions, we specialize in helping clients manage metabolic syndrome and diabetes by addressing the root causes and comorbidities. Our integrative approach reduces the risk of complications and brings your blood sugar levels under control.
Genova Diagnostics SIBO Breath testingGenova Diagnostics' SIBO breath test is a non-invasive way to evaluate small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
GI Comprehensive Stool TestingDiagnostic Solutions Laboratory GI MAP Vibrant America Gut Zoomer Genova Diagnostics GI Effects
Micronutrient TestingVibrant America Micronutrient test Genova Diagnostics NutrEval
Food Sensitivity TestingOxford Biomedical Technologies MRT Testing Cyrex Labs Array 10
General Laboratory TestsAvailable through multiple providers
Specialty PanelsVibrant America What Zoomer All Cyrex Arrays All Genova Panels Genova Diagnostics Adrenal Panels And many others
Genetic Panels3x4 Genetics: Genetic Testing for Weight Management and Optimal Health TruDiagnostics TruAge Genetic Aging vs Chronological Aging Nutrigenomics: Testing for Weight Management and Optimal Health
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